Swap fashion
and meet people.

Swap your item for their item, simple as that.

Sign up
Swap clothing and meet people
Reduce carbon waste

Contribute to eco-friendly fashion and for the growth of sharing economy.

Meet new people

Meet and connect with people who have similar fashion interests and believes.

Swap clothing

Swap fashion with each other, you get something and they get something.

How Fashion Swap works

Create a listing

It takes less than 3 minutes to upload an image or record a short video of the item you would like to swap.

Create a listing

Find an item to swap

Browse the catalog of members of our community to propose a swap.

Find an item you want

Propose to swap

Send a proposal to members, they will get access to your closet to accept or deny a deal.

Propose the trade

Seal the deal

Find a safe location and swap the proposed items.

Seal the deal

Start wearing your new gear

After making a new friend and swapping, you can happily wear your new item and trade with others whenever you are ready!

Start wearing your new gear

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